Glasshouse / Elma 4-pole 47-way switch / Balanced Stereo Shunt Stepped Attenuator
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For the 100K 0.25W and 0.5W Takman Metal & Carbon versions, we supply 91K load resistors.
For the 10K 0.25W and 0.5W Takman Metal & Carbon versions, we supply a 10K 1W load resistor.
We can only supply the 10K option for the Charcroft Z-Foil type.
Available as a kit or fully built.
KIT version supplied with
- Seiden 4-pole 47-way switch
- Selected resistor set (184 resistors)
- 0.8m x HGG 0.5mm diameter wire
- 0.4m x 0.5mm PTFE sleeving
- 2m x Mundorf 3.8% silver/gold solder
Picture to follow shortly.
0.3 kg