Insulating With Heat-Shrink
Many of you will be familiar with the process of insulating your copper capacitors to remove any potential risk of shorting. Using large heat-shrink makes this process much easier. Simply cut a piece 10% longer than the capacitor, this will allow the ends to roll over the end of the cap neatly, as in the image.
Heat-Shrink can also be used to insulate stepped attenuators and selector switches (as they can sometimes be located in very tight spaces and risk touching the chassis or surrounding components) This can be done in two sections - as shown in the image.
This process will also help prevent dust and dirt from getting into the switch (which is often the cause of noise when changing the volume) and prolong its working life.
Clear Heat-Shrink is now available in 3 sizes: 25.4, 38.1 and 50.8mm diameter - sold in 0.25m lengths.
For more information on this product please click HERE