Nichicon GB.DB type Electrolytic Bipolar Capacitor
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Title | SKU | Price | Product | Stock | |
UGB1H220MRM: 22uF 50Vdc Nichicon GB type Electrolytic Bipolar Capacitor | UGB1H220MRM | £2.50 | 0 |
UGB1H330MRM: 33uF 50Vdc Nichicon GB type Electrolytic Bipolar Capacitor | UGB1H330MRM | £2.50 | 0 |
UDB1H470MHM: 47uF 50Vdc Nichicon DB type Electrolytic Bipolar Capacitor | UDB1H470MHM | £2.50 | 4 |
UDB1H680MRM: 68uF 50Vdc Nichicon DB type Electrolytic Bipolar Capacitor | UDB1H680MRM | £2.50 | 11 |