Vacuum Tube Valley: Issue 09

LEGACY OF THE 50 WATTER The fabulous 211 and 845 investigated
TRANSMITTING TUBE TEST AMP A SE amplifier for testing your 211 or 845
DUMPSTER: 2C51/5670 The 2C51 and 5670 tubes investigated
LISTENING TO SE 211/845s Listening test with various 10K SE output transformers.
AMPEG SVT HISTORY The history and the variations of this amplifier discussed.
THE FIRST TUBE PCs Huge tube computers discussed.
WINTER 1998 CES REPORT Show report
VINTAGE AUDIO IN JAPAN Looking at amps and pres from Japan
DISTORTION ANALYZER II Investigations of distortion analyzers part II
ALTEC 287W GIANT AMP Check out this huge 287W amplifier.
BARGAIN TUBE HI-FI Looking for budget hifi gear.
Price; £9.00 +p&p
- 211/845 SE design
- 211/845 output trans. group test
- 2C51/5670 tube investigated
- 287watt Altec amp
- Bargain hifi
- Vintage Japanese audio
- paperback
- black and white print
- 42 pages
- 218mm x 280mm
- 155g