Flared Port Tubes
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The Danish loudspeaker parts specialists Jantzen have a huge range of flared port tubes offering various sizes to suit all constructors. Constucted from black polypropylene with a thick black rubber washer providing a firm airtight seal around the edge. Please note the smaller 051-0002 port does not have this feature. Below are large pictures of all the flared ports available also the technical drawing that you will need to refer while making your choice.
Big Picture
Large image of 051-0002236.77 KB
Large image of 051-0004269.53 KB
Large image of 051-0006241.43 KB
Large image of 051-0008224.38 KB
Large image of 051-0010233.73 KB
Large image of 051-0012266.36 KB
Large image of 051-0013242.91 KB
Large image of 051-0014285.72 KB
Large image of 051-0016293 KB
Large image of 051-0018240.1 KB
Large image of 051-0020290.06 KB
Large image of 051-0022284.65 KB
Technical drawing and dimensions410.49 KB
PDF datasheet
Jantzen Port Datasheet1.84 MB