Audio Note AN-WIRE-150/155/170/185 99.999% 23 strand silver litz wire

Audio Note's highly popular 23 Strand 99.999% pure silver litz wire, 23 strands of 0.1mm wire. Each stand is polyurethane coated six times, and then the bundle is PTFE coated in various colours. Recommended for signal wiring in all hardwired circuits for use in homemade interconnect cables and speaker cables. The same wire is used heavily in Audio Note's end product and in the AN-Vx interconnect, available in various colours. The internal diameter is 0.45mm, and the external diameter is 1.1mm.
We would use a solder bath/solder pot set between 400 - 420 Degrees C. Dipping the stripped wire end in the bath, not longer than 1 - 2 seconds, as it can cause damage.. Repeat if need be.
You can use a solder iron set at around 450 Degrees C; the coating will eventually burn off, but be patient, and you will use lots of solder.
Please use a solder fume extraction system.
This wire is also available in offcut lengths at a discounted amount here
Available in various colours. Sold in multiples of 0.5 metres. We supply in one continuous length.
PRICE, 0.5m length
£30.97 +vat+p&p