L3 Line Pre-Amplifier

We are pleased to announce the new versions of the L3 Pre-amplifier (we now also have the L3 Line Remote, which is a version with remote control capabilities). The L3 Line boasts a number of features and configurations for the DIY connoisseur! This transformer coupled line pre-amplifier is the ultimate in audiophile DIY engineering.
Since first introducing the L3 kit back in 2005 (known then as the M3 Line Kit) we have received many enhancement requests for the L3 from the audiophile community including Extension Kits for the selector switch, optional Stereo and Mono Stepped Attenuators, Transformer options, different price points etc.
We no longer stock ANK kits, you will need to contact them directly. See https://ankaudiokits.com/
To contact ANK Kits, please e-mail him at Brian Smith.