Positive Feedback: Vol.5, No.5
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Positive Feedback: Vol.5, No.5The Higher End by David W. Robinson
Reverberations: Our Readers Respond
Don McLaughIin Talks To Keith Johnson by Don McLaughlin
Back To The Future Again: The 1995 Winter CES Show, by Don McLaughlin
Further Thoughts On The Dorsey 6C33CB Amplifier by Ralph Karsten
OUR COVER STORY, PART I The Magic Of Design And Synergy:The Wavestream V-8 Triode, by Scott Frankland
Positive Feedback Subscription/Renewal Form
Critical Reception: The Everest Re-Issues, by Scott Dorsey
The Disadvantages of Single Ended Designs And An Alternative, by David Manley
On Single Ended Systems or 3/5 Of A Mile In 10 Seconds, by John Meyer
The Empire Strikes Back: The Benz Empire Scientific Cartridge, by Ray Chowkwanyun
The Joule Electra LA-200 Line Amplifier by Bob Sireno
Kennedy On Hardware: Feedback In Design - And A DIY Phono Amp! by Kevin Kennedy.
Better Look Out Mack! Elac Is Back! by John Pearsall
Desktop Audio! by Jack McMadd
Under The Tech Bench With Uncle Eric And CJ. by S.N. Seven
The Sweet Spot: Problems In The High End! by Clay Swartz
The Soul of Sound, Part VII: Questions From The Internet, by Lynn Olson
Stu's Place: The Merlin VSM Loudspeaker by Stu McCreary a Rich Brkich
From dark Johnsen's Diary: From LAX To Loss Vegas, or, "Buddy, Can You Spare A Pair Of Pants?" by dark Johnsen
The Audiophile Collector: More On RCA Vinyl, by Brian Hartsell
The Vinyl Cheapskate: Upgrading The ET II High Pressure Tonearm, by Roger S. Gordon, CPA K Bruce Thigpen
The Mysteries Of His System: A Prose Poem, by Barry Grant
The Audio File by John Pearsall
Transition by John Pearsall
The Oregon Triode Society Directory Of Audiophile Groups (Is Your Group There?!)
Members' Ads
The KUDOS Files: Outstanding Recordings, Significant Designs, I, by Ye Olde Editor
The Silver Disc: A Survey of Recent Budget CDs, by John Pearsall
Price £7.00 +p&p
- The higher End
- 6C33CB amp
- DIy phono amp
- The disadvantages of SE design
- Upgrading the ET II
- Audiophile collector
- paperback
- black and white print
- 120 pages
- 210mm x 270mm
- 350g