Paxolin tag board

Here we have the world-famous old-style brown paxolin tag board, ideal for hardwiring, two rows of 18 tag connections, measuring 118mm(l) x 38mm(w) x 8mm(d) and board thickness 1.5mm.
We have 4 OEM versions depending on your preference for plating and tag material. The standard is constructed with steel tags. Therefore they are magnetic, so they are not the best for audio electronics. They are nickel/tin-plated. The remainder is constructed of brass, copper and zinc alloy. Therefore they are non-magnetic. The copper content is 70%. These are available in nickel/tin plate, silver plate and gold plate.
Fixing hole centres 105mm apart and every 10mm in between. Tag hole centres 6.5mm apart.
The Glasshouse small turret board, which we also sell, see HERE. Is the modelled on this "old school" paxolin board?
Available with 2x M3 Standoffs and screws for fitting to chassis.
PRICE 1off
Paxolin tag board - steel tags, nickel/tin plated - £2.20+vat+p&p
Paxolin tag board - brass tags, nickel/tin plated - £5.00+vat+p&p (discontinued)
Paxolin tag board - brass tags, silver plated - £5.50+vat+p&p
Paxolin tag board - brass tags, gold plated - £9.00+vat+p&p