12AX7/ECC83 double triode Valve

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12AX7/ECC83 double triode Valve

Very popular twin triode valve.

Price 1 off (excluding vat+p&p)
Electro Harmonix 12AX7 Gold Pin - £35.85
Electro Harmonix 12AX7EH - £30.39
Tung-Sol 12AX7 - £31.43
Tung-Sol 12AX7 / ECC803S Gold Pin - £39.75
JJ Electronic ECC803s Gold Pin - £39.81
JJ Electronic ECC803s - £23.35
JJ Electronic ECC83 MG (Mid Gain) - £20.96
JJ Electronic ECC83 MG (Mid Gain) Gold pin - £31.86
JJ Electronic ECC83s Gold Pin - £35.58
JJ Electronic ECC83s - £23.04
Sovtek 12AX7WA / 7025 - £22.00
Sovtek 12AX7-LPS (Spiral Filament) - £31.43
Sovtek ECC83 / 12AX7WC - £24.04
Genalex Gold Lion 12AX7 / ECC83 / B759 - £60.03
Fender Groove Tube ECC83s - £30.32
Fender Groove Tube 12AX7-C - £21.88
Mesa Boogie 12AX7-A - £47.14
Mesa Boogie SPAX7-A, Hi-grade 12AX7, ECC83 - £30.59
Svetlana 12AX7 Winged C - £38.54
PSvane 12AX7-S Art-Series, sngle valve - £40.08

Price 1 PAIR off (excluding vat+p&p)
PSvane T-Series reference 12AX7, matched pair - £75.00
PSvane 12AX7-S Art-Series, matched pair - £80.16


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