L1630: Lundahl Line Output Transformer

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L1630: Lundahl Line Output Transformer

LL1630 is a line output transformer for tube amplifiers. The transformer is highly sectioned, and wound with a special low capacitance winding technique. This results in very good high-frequency performance. The transformer has a special audio C-core of Lundahl's production. It is primarily for push-pull drive. The LL1630 are an old design and not well-suited for SE applications.

The LL1630 is ONLY available for push-pull operation. 

  • Push-pull

Turns ratio

  • 7.2 + 7.2 : 1 + 1

Overall size including pins - 70mm x 61mm x 39mm

PRICE (1 off)
£111.70 +vat +p&p

Non-Stock Item - Please allow 4-6 weeks for dispatch

For more information, please refer to the datasheet below. 

PDF datasheet

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