TKD 2W Metal Film Resistors

Fresh from Japan we have large stocks of TKDs Correctohm CM2 series 2 Watt metal film resistors. You will all know TKD from their range of potentiometers, switches and attenuators. They also make high-quality resistors.
We have focused on their 2W range, as there is a shortage of reasonable cost resistors of this power rating. We stock the full E24 values from 10R to 1.5M. They are a robust design, with a 1% tolerance, featuring a non-magnetic construction, RoHS compliant and solder-coated OFHC copper leads. Sonically they are very neutral with great clarity.
- Power rating: 2W
- Rated ambient Temperature: +70°C
- Tolerance: +/- 1%
- Absolute T.C.R [ppm/degrees]: ±100ppm
- Operating temperature: -55 to +155 degrees C
- Insulation coating: Epoxy resin
- Non-Magnetic
- Voltage Rating: 500v
- Lead wire: OFHC Copper, soldered coating
- Body: 8mm diameter, 18mm length
- Lead: 1mm diameter, 30mm length
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PRICE (1 off)
2W - £1.65 +vat +p&p