Audio Note 100K Potentiometer

Noble potentiometers were fitted as standard in Audio Note product. Nowadays Noble pots are incredibly hard to source so AN have started manufacturing their own high-quality potentiometers to rival the Nobles. Here we have the 100K stereo log potentiometer, offering amazing quality. This is version 2 now with solder tag connections and an improved thicker track.
Fully encapsulated. chassis hole size dia. 10mm, shaft dia. 6mm, shaft length 12mm, bush height 8mm, body, 25mm(d) x 20mm(h) + tag height 8mm, can be bent if needed x 17mm(w), 1 nuts provided.
Overall dimensions: 45.4mm length, 26.64mm height (including tags),19.16mm (excluding tags) and 17.15mm depth
PRICE (1 off)
£33.96 +vat +p&p