LL2777B: Lundahl Output Transformer

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LL2777B: Lundahl Output Transformer

The LL2777B is a small-size single-ended output transformer for tube amplifiers. The LL2777B has a 50% UL tap and can be gapped for different DC currents. We currently stock the 70mA version, as used in the Elekit TU-8200VK and TU-8400VK.  The C core is a high-quality grain-oriented silicon steel C-core from of Lundahl's production. It can be used with numerous valves in single-ended mode, such as the 6V6, 6F6, 6L6, KT66, KT88, KT90, EL34 (6CA7), 5881, 6550, KT120, KT150 and KT170.

The LL2777B is available in one versions. 

  • 70mA Single-ended

(N.B. The purpose of the airgap is to accept the DC current of the output valve without saturating the core, leaving enough headroom for the sound signal)

Depending on how the winding sections of the transformers are wired together via the exposed solder pins, the constructor can adjust the following primary and secondary impedances.

Primary impedance: Secondary impedance

  • 3.5K: 5R or 8R

We currently have stock.


Overall dimensions including pins - 73mm x 53mm x 61mm

£141.41 +vat +p&p

Non-Stock Item - Please allow 4-6 weeks for dispatch

PDF datasheet

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