LL3727: Lundahl Output Transformer

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LL3727: Lundahl Output Transformer

The LL3727 is an output transformer for single-end tube amplifiers, suitable for KT88 and similar electron tubes. This is used in the Elekit TU-8850VK stereo kit.The transformer is built up from two coils, each consisting of 3 sections. The windings are arranged to minimize destructive capacitive coupling between primaries and secondaries. The C core is a high-quality grain-oriented silicon steel C-core from our Lundahl`s production. A 50% UL tap is available.

The LL3727 is only available in one version.

  • 90mA Single-ended with a 50% Ultra linear taps

Depending on how the winding sections of the transformers are wired together via the exposed solder pins, the constructor can adjust the following primary and secondary impedances.

Primary impedance: Secondary impedance

  • 3K: 4R or 8R

Overall dimensions including pins - 115mm x 85mm x 77mm

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PRICE (1 off)
£229.48 +vat +p&p

PDF datasheet

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